We have seen a huge shift in the way that dance classes are delivered in 2020 due to COVID-19 and the government forced closures of dance studios around the world.
We are very fortunate in our industry that online dance classes can be so successful and with the right teacher and right program dance students can still keep dancing, keep progressing and thrive in this unprecedented time.
Some of the wonderful benefits of zoom dance classes include:
Normality for the students
Dancers get to keep participating in their same dance classes, with their same teachers and keep working towards exams, performances, auditions and strengthening technique.
Connect with friends
During periods of lockdown it is important for our children to keep connected with their friends and nurture these special dance relationships. Every dancer knows that your dance friends become like your “family”, and it is so wonderful that the dancers can still do class with their friends, stay connected and have opportunities at the start and end of online classes to talk to each other.
Make new friends
Not only can our dancers stay connected to old friends, but students can start dance for the first time online and make wonderful, new, long lasting friendships. Dancers can connect with new friends outside of their geographical area.
Keep moving, fit, strong, healthy
Online dance classes are a wonderful way to keep dancing, move your body, get fit, gain strength, gain flexibility and stay healthy during periods you cannot attend the dance studio.
Mental Health
Dancing is wonderful for mental health at any time and brings so much joy, and this is so important during lockdown. For serious dancers losing their dance studio space is very difficult, and it is important to keep them not only physically healthy but mentally as well.
Comfort of your own home
A huge bonus of online dance classes is that you can do them in the comfort of your own home. You can set your own heating and cooling and set your dance space how you like it.
No Travel Time
Many dancers will spend long times in the car or on transport every day to get to dance classes. With online dance you now have zero travel time, freeing up time for other activities such as school, work and precious family time.
Self motivation and learning to push yourself to work hard
When a dancer is at home and the teacher and peers are not in the room with them, they require greater intrinsic motivation to push themselves in every class. Without the other dancers in front of you, then you need to rely on yourself to work hard. This is an incredible skill for the future.
Building resilience and problem-solving skills obstacles
Dancers taking class online build an incredible resilience and inner strength. They are working on problem solving skills by having to deal with different environmental obstacles at home compared to a custom-built dance studio.
Learning how to perform in front of a camera
Another wonderful life lesson learnt from working online is learning how to perform in front of a camera. Many camera-shy dance teachers and dance students are now feeling a lot more comfortable working in front of a camera and learning the many skills of producing the best online footage.
The ability to focus on yourself without comparing to others
A great benefit of dancing at home is the absolute total focus that you are able to give yourself, without the comparison to others standing next to you at the barre or in the dance studio. Online dance has been amazing to really build confidence in dancers who can now do this in the comfort or their own home.
Relying on yourself to pick up choreography and exercises with nobody else around you
Not being in the studio and not having others to copy the exercise or choreography, is fantastic for really being focused on your own knowledge of the steps. Some dancers have noticed a huge increase in their ability to pick up the choreography and retain it.
The ability to have exciting guest teachers from all over the globe.
A huge bonus of online dance classes is that we can now have exciting guest teachers from all over the world. No expensive airfares, accommodation and travel time needed.
Learning without a mirror, so you get the feeling of the movement without seeing it
Many dancers rely way too much on using the mirror in the studio to see a correction, rather that feel the corrections. While the mirror is an amazing teaching tool, it’s also important to get used to dancing without relying on it…